Rome (Italy). St. John Bosco Province (IRO) shares the FMA institute’s World Gratitude Day 2020 program, which takes place from 24 to 26 April, online.

There are many reasons for gratitude that are shared on the Web and Institutional Social Sites these days, which are an expression of joy “for loyalty, for giving herself with love and wisdom, for the charismatic passion that she communicates with enthusiasm, for the courage with which she has faced numerous journeys to reach the Educating Communities in every part of the world, always with a joyful face “(From the Letter of Sister Chiara Cazzuola, Vicar General of IFMA).

Expressions of Graces from the Provinces (testi, video)

Your life is a tree that bears fruit.

Remembering the stories, gestures, and signs of life of the Salesian charism lived and shared in co-responsibility with the laity and young people of the Salesian Family is a sign of unity and communion, of the synergy and fruitfulness of a charism that grows in all the realities of the world.

In these days, when we live the experience of closeness, fraternal charity, and evangelical citizenship, we remember the benefits that the Lord has worked and works in the FMA Institute, in each sister, lay person, and the young through the mediation of Mother Yvonne Reungoat, Superior General of the FMA Institute, with her wise and maternal guidance.

“Like a tree planted along waterways, every day we feed on the living and clear source of the word of Jesus and the Church. With this vitality received from the divine source, we are called to give to God the fruits of joy, hope, and fraternal communion, renewing our faithful response to the mandate: “I entrust them to you” (cf.  Vespers, 25 April 2020).

Program (pdf)

Liturgy Booklet (pdf)



  1. Madre, en este tiempo de Pascua, decimos gracias desde Sabanagrande, CMM,por tu presencia alegre, sencilla, que invita siempre a la esperanza y a la escucha de los desafíos del mundo juvenil y de los contextos. Como regalo para tu fiesta hemos profundizado en la Circular N° 991 y nos hemos comprometido a ser una comunidad “signo del amor de Dios” a través de la alegría, capaz de contagiar el gozo vocacional a muchas jóvenes y el deseo de seguir a Jesús en la vida salesiana.

    Mi corazón experimenta un enorme gracias por tu vida donada a nuestro Instituto. Un gracias por tu alegría que contagia, por la sencillez con que nos haces sentir verdaderas hijas.
    En medio de una experiencia nueva y dolorosa, nos volvemos a Dios para sabernos más unidas que nunca.
    Cuenta con mi oración y mi cariño. Un abrazo hasta el otro lado del océano.

  3. Las hermanas de la comunidad de Béjar (Salamanca) queremos expresarte nuestro GRACIAS, a ti Madre Yvonne, por estos 12 años de entrega gozosa en el Instituto. El Espíritu y María fecunden lo que has sembrado con nuevas vocaciones.
    ¡Feliz día!

  4. Desde Santa Cruz de Tenerife nos unimos a este día de familia y le deseamos un ¡Feliz Día!
    Damos gracias a Dios por su vida y por estos años de dedicación plena al Instituto.
    Un abrazo

  5. Dear Mother Yvonne, it is with our grateful hearts that we write these few words to express our deep gratitude to you for all that you have been and are to our Institute and each one of us. We are present with you in this celebration of “THANK YOU”. We assure you of our prayers that God may reward you abundantly for all you have done all these years, especially as our dear Mother General.
    We remember your visit to our province and the joy that you brought to each one of us. May our Lady, Help of Christians always accompany you. Feel us close to you in spirit, love and prayers on the Feast of gratitude and always.

    Ennerdale community, South Africa
    Sr. Charmaine de la Chaumette
    Sr. Motselisi Laetitia Maliehe
    Sr. Maria Nguyen Thi Hong Hanh

  6. S. Ana María Valencia
    Mi gracias lleno de cariño y admiración Madre Yvonne por ser Madre cercana, misericordiosa, con grande capacidad de escucha, que trasmites con tanta sencillez la alegría de quien esta inundada de la presencia de Dios. Gracias de corazón por su entrega a cada una de sus hijas FMA. y al Instituto, al que ha sabido guiar con profunda sabiduría acompañada del Espíritu Santo y de nuestra Madre María Auxiliadora. Le deseo de corazón que Cristo Resucitado siga siendo su gozo y su recompensa por tanto bien realizado. Abrazos llenos de gratitud desde México.

  7. Dearest Mother on this beautiful day I say ? filled with gratitude” THANK You. Thanks a lot for your sacrificing love and guidance. May our Master and friend Jesus Christ shower on you His graces and blessings and give you good health and long life.

  8. Amatissima Madre Yvonne,
    aggiungo il mio augurio carico di preghiera, di riconoscenza e di affetto filiale per la sua vita donata a tutte noi. Il mio grazie lo interpreta Maria di Nazareth, con la sua carica di amore e di dolcezza. Maria le dona GRAZIE infinite e le dice: MADRE YVONNE,sei una MADRE MERAVIGLIOSA.

  9. Muito obrigada Madre Yvonne por sua vida de doação ao Instituto, a cada uma de nós e aos jovens! Em comunhão de preces com todo o Instituto. Um abraço. Ir. Dorce – BSP

  10. Dear Mother
    The community of Auxilium Convent , Kokrajhar Assam, India (ING) sends you our festal greetings and assurance of prayers on the occasion of FMA world gratitude day. We thank you and thank God for the wonderful person you are.


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