Rome (Italy). “An experience of faith and a school of formation” was General Chapter XXIV of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians that concluded on 24 October 2021.

The theme, “Do whatever He tells you” (Jn 2: 5), “Communities that generate life in the heart of contemporaneity”, guided the experience of the Chapter that took place from 12 September to 24 October 2021, which involved the Chapter Members in fraternal life, in reflection/study, in prayer, and in listening/dialoguing that finds its synthesis in the Chapter document With Mary, be a ‘presence’ that generates life.

In the morning, Mother General, Sr. Chiara Cazzuola, presented her concluding discourse to the Chapter Members and said among other things, “I feel the need to express my gratitude to the Lord for the abundance of grace which we have been the object of during this chapter time. I thank you for your passionate and serene participation, for the familiarity and simplicity of relationships, for the strong sense of belonging to the Institute. …

In everyday reality, here and now, as a generative community illuminated by the presence of Mary, we have focused on three significant choices: to be in ongoing formation, to walk in synodality, to network from a perspective of integral ecology. Three actions whose golden thread is the quality of presence, that is, our ‘being there’ as people and as community in the heart of contemporaneity. Therefore, we are called to live life as a vocation and to rediscover the Salesian charism in all its apostolic missionary dynamism. Mary, who walks in this house and in all the houses of the Institute, will help us to remember the grace of the origins, the humility and the smallness of the beginnings that  made God’s action transparent in the life and message of many of our sisters. …

GC XXIV will be fruitful in good for the whole Institute if we are effective mediations of communication and sharing of this profound experience that we have enjoyed and celebrated together. Therefore it is time to go down from Cana to Capernaum, not alone, but with Jesus and Mary, to share life and mission together with the young people and the laity, to let God breathe in our existence and courageously face the challenges we will encounter.

We entrust ourselves to Mary to help us to be women who know how to bring the new wine of hope in this our history marked by so much sufferings and hardships, but blessed by the sweet Providence of the Father”.

Entire text of Mother’s concluding Words

At the end of the morning there was the Eucharistic Celebration presided over by Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, 10th Successor of Don Bosco. The introduction recalled through signs and gestures, the story of the Wedding at Cana, the icon that  accompanied the Chapter event since its preparation and now continues to act as a golden thread of the Chapter Document and that is committed to building synodal communities, centered on Christ to be women of hope in contemporaneity.

In his homily, the Rector Major in addressing the Chapter members said, “You have lived an abundant time of Holy Spirit and Grace, a personal enrichment, of profound convictions which now becomes a commitment for everyone to share and give witness. In fidelity to the Salesian charism, you are called to be life for many, a light in the mission among the poorest, a caress of God for the most distant and in need of  humanity and closeness. The Chapter begins now. We will continue to walk together collaborating with the creativity of the Holy Spirit in the Salesian educational mission.”

The Eucharist of praise and thanksgiving, the concluding words of Mother General, Sr. Chiara Cazzuola, and the tasks of the Secretariat thus concluded the XXIV General Chapter.

It is time to celebrate the wedding of fraternal, human, and solidarity service, listening to the young, to reality, and to the Word, to do like Mary, “whatever He tells us!”.

Flickr FMA


  1. Gracias a todas y todos por el servicio tan grande y maravilloso de sentirnos desarrollando el Capítulo desde casa. Todo muy bien, nos alimentó la vocación y la pertenencia al Instituto,

    Dios y la Auxiliadora los recompense.

  2. L’opportunità di aver potuto seguire molti momenti del CG ci ha coinvolte e ha fatto crescere in noi la gioia di appartenere ad un Istituto che è tutto di Maria.
    Sentiamo viva riconoscenza per il dono di Madre Chiara e il nuovo Consiglia al timone del nostro Istituto e ringraziamo di vero Cuore Madre Yvonne e il suo Consiglio per averci guidate con intelligenza d’amore.
    Siamo pronte a “fare tutto quello che Egli ci dirà”…GRAZIE il nostro affetto e la nostra preghiera.

  3. Gracias por todo lo que fue y sera pars nosotra el Capitulo General. Gracias a todas y especilmente a nuestra Madre General y a cada Participante..que pidamos ahora caminar juntas para que nuestro Instituto pueda caminar por loz nuevos caminos señalados.Gracisds y bendiciones

  4. Gracias Señor si el Capitulo lo iniciamos ahora con los y las jóvenes haciendo realidad el milagro del vino nuevo. GRACIAS de corazón

  5. Grazie Madre! IL suo saluto alle capitolari è già “trasmissione” del Capitolo. Attraverso le sue parole puntuali, chiare, comunicative, calde di speranza e cariche di “comprensione” ci giunge il cuore di questa esperienza che mette in moto tutte le nostre energie e accende la fiducia nella presenza di Maria e dello Spirito. Chi ci potrà più fermare? Insieme in cammino Madre!

  6. Obrigada Senhor por este Capitulo realizado na tranquilidade e que ótima tecnologia parabenizo as organizadora desta equipe pela excelente eficiência nas transmissões,,,,
    Como podemos seguir dia a dia .
    Obrigada Madre Yvonne pelo serviço generoso de animação prestado Obrigada Madre CHIARA pelo seu SIM em continuar animar o INSTITUTO .

  7. Gracias Senor Jesus por Este tiempo de Escucha y de Formacion intensa, un Kairos lleno de Vida Salesiana… Hemos sido parte del Camino del Instituto. Un gran abrazo. Sor Aida Roncal

  8. Un Merci a l’équipe de la communication qui grâce à vos publications bien documentées vous nous avez fait participer au chapitre XXIV. Merci pour votre beau travail fait dans les coulisses et dans l’humilité. Soyez sûrs de notre prière pour toute l’équipe !
    Sr Georgette Musumba AFC

    Grazie per il dono ricevuto di seguirne le varie fasi attraverso le quotidiane comunicazioni e la partecipazione online degli eventi piu’ significativi…
    Grazie per la continuita’ della tua divina presenza per saper attuare quello che hai ispirato e che la Vergine Madre ci chiede di “FARE…”.
    Grazie a Madre Yvonne, Madre Chiara, le sorelle consigliere del sessennio precedente e quelle neo elette, per tutte le sorelle capitolari e le sorelle della comunita’ di Casa generalizia per essere state nostre mediatrici nel programmare il cammino futuro dell


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