Rome (Italy)  Sr. Linda Pocher, FMA of Mother of the Church Preprovince (RMC), on 29 October 2020, at the Theology Faculty of the Gregorian Pontifical University at Rome  discussed her Doctoral Thesis entitled, The Womb of Mary and Her Sufferings.  A Model of Collaboration for the New Creation.

The thesis examines the two themes of contemporary Mariology: Mary’s virginity in childbirth and her collaboration in redemption.

The study places in the foreground the reality of the feminine womb and its mystery from the moment that the maternal womb constitutes a concrete point of convergence of the questions dealt with: virginity, maternity, and the collaboration between a creature and the Creator.

Conscious collaboration in God’s action, which is realized in a particular way in the education of the Son, is an internal requirement in Mary’s journey of faith. The trust placed by God in Mary’s pedagogical mediation is what makes her motherhood fully human, as an act which involves her in all the dimensions of her person and which requires not only her consent, but also her full collaboration in every instant of the events of the Son.

The Church is invited, not only to enjoy Mary’s pedagogical mediation, but also to imitate it (cf. Lumen Gentium VIII). The fullness of faith, in fact, is realized in corresponding to love with love, or in the ability to accompany others towards the full development of their freedom.

Through the interdisciplinary approach to the person and experience of Mary, Sister Linda was able to present the figure of a woman in her concreteness by addressing the issues of virginity in childbirth and collaboration in redemption as aspects of personal experience.

The event was attended by the Vicar General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sister Chiara Cazzuola; the Superior of the Pre-Province RMC, Sister Maria del Carmen Canales; the Dean of the Pontifical Faculty of Education “Auxilium”, Sister Piera Ruffinatto; the Coordinator of the Religious Education Commission, Sr. Rosangela Siboldi; the Animator and the Sisters of  Sr. Eusebia Palomino Community (RMC), the parents of Sr. Linda,  and some FMA and SDB.


  1. Moitos Parabens, por Unha labor e exposición necesaria. Unha nova forma de entender a fe, obligado.
    Teofilo Rodríguez
    Diplomado en Cristoloxia Antropoloxica

  2. Parabéns Sr. Linda pela recente conquista! Tive oportunidade de conhecê-la e ouvi-la no Congresso Internacional da ADMA em 2019, em Buenos Aires! Obrigada por sua dedicação! Siga sempre de mãos dadas com Maria! Estou Feliz com você! Sejamos todas verdadeiras filhas e devotas de Nossa Senhora!

  3. Congratulations and prayers for your educative mission, dear sr. Linda.
    Thank you for your beautiful thesis, I hope one day I can read it.

    With sisterly love and prayer from Papua New Guinea,

    sr. Jolanta

  4. Felicitazioni straordinarie, con l’augurio che tu sappia continuare a contagiare le persone con l’entusiasmo che ti ha sempre contraddistinta.
    O meglio che cresca ogni giorno , sr. Linda carissima.
    E continua ad inseguire con trasporto Gesù, che serba sempre nuove e imprevedibili sorprese a chi tenta di amarlo senza misura.
    Chissà che un giorno ti mostri davvero, il suo volto luminoso: – Gesù sei tu?
    -Si’ Linda, sono IO!!!!

  5. Carissima sr. Linda… ti ho seguito in questo percorso da quando…. eri novizia. Ora ti accompagno in questa nuova realtá. Vivi per Dio e per le anime.
    Buen camino. Vivi en plenitud.
    Desde la Patagonia con CARIÑO Sr Paola Feliz FMA misionera salesiana

  6. Carissima sr Linda!!! Abbiamo provato una grande gioia nel leggere questa bella notizia sulla conclusione degli studi : Congratulazioni! La nostra ITV esulta per il bene che potrai seminare a piene mani con l’Ausiliatrice! Un grande abbraccio dalla nostra comunità di Fontanafredda.

  7. Congratulations dear sr Linda. We in Irealand are proud of you. Many blessings for your future mission.
    Kathleen Taylor fma


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