(Ireland). “Windows and wells of wisdom: Saint Mary Domenica Mazzarello, woman of discernment and deep prayer” is the title of the volume, soon to be published, written by Sister Máire O’Byrne, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians of O. L. Queen of Ireland Province (IRL).

The book is an invitation to undertake a spiritual journey, to discover the extraordinary pilgrimage of a woman, Saint Mary Domenica Mazzarello, whose history and teachings resound beyond time, encouraging contemplation, learning, and growth.

It is an attempt to look at how Mary Domenica experienced a period of rapid change with an attitude of constant discernment and deep prayer. The text revolves around two central symbols in the “spirit of Mornese”. The first is the window, which can represent the “open eyes” of which Mother Chiara Cazzuola speaks in the Circular no. 1029.

The second is the well, which calls for going deep, to become mystics. One could therefore summarize the message by saying that Mary Domenica was, according to the words of Mother Chiara, a “Mystic with eyes open”.

The author explains that “In ‘Windows and wells of wisdom’ we recognize that the approach is more than a chronicle of the life of Saint Mary Domenica. It is rather, an invitation to explore the depths of her spirituality, to look through the windows of her experience, and to draw from the sources of her wisdom. By responding to this, we will discover the depth of Mary Domenica’s spirituality and her gift of transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary encounters with the Lord.

The life of the Saint becomes a source of inspiration throughout time, which touches the hearts and enriches the spirits of all the communities of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians and of the Salesian Family in the world.

The images of the “windows” and the “wells” distances us from a theoretical approach to this book and invites us instead to a contemplative reading of the text, a reading open to the wisdom that emerges from history.

In these pages, we will discover insights of Mary Mazzarello that resonate deeply today. These insights can encourage us and challenge us to open the windows and reach the wells of our personal journey and, who knows what, the Spirit invites us to discover!

In the wisdom of Mother Mazzarello we discover a timeless guide, who urges us to follow the path of selfless love and unshakeable faith. For this reason, if we approach with our eyes wide open, who knows what God desires to make enter through those windows.

To request a copy: maireobyrne13@gmail.com 


  1. Thanks Sr. Maire. This is indeed a treasure! Surely everyone would want
    to get a copy of your book. Advanced happy birthday and feast day of our dear Mother Mazzarello!

  2. Notizia molto gradita. Grazie a suor Máire O’Byrne per questo dono che insieme agli altri testi, pubblicati e approfonditi ci sollecitano a somigliare alla nostra cara Madre Maria Domenica. Attendo il testo nella nostra Ispettoria THA in ambedue le lingue EN e IT. Fiduciosa che nel prossimo futuro sia anche in lingua Thai. Grazie anche a tutti coloro che hanno collaborato per la realizzazione di questo libro il cui titolo è davvero originale, penso ci farà conoscere, in altra luce, le esperienze di vita di Santa Maria Domenica.


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