Rome (Italy). The Vicar General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sister María del Rosario García Ribas, wrote a Letter to the Provincials, the Superiors of Preprovinces, and all the FMA and the Educating Communities of the FMA Institute present in the five Continents, to share the place and theme of the Feast of Gratitude 2024, with indications for preparation and realization.

The World Feast of Gratitude 2024, will take place in Mozambique in Maputo Infulene on 26 April. It will be animated by the Mozambican Province “St. John Bosco” (MOZ) and will have as its theme:

With Mary, guided by the “dream”,
we generate peace by taking care of the Common Home.

The Letter expresses the motivation of the theme:

In response to the Chapter Resolution, in the context of Integral Ecology, the celebration of the World Feast of Gratitude is intended to be a hymn of praise. With the psalmist, we too proclaim: “O Lord, our God, you have given us power over the work of your hands” (cf. Psalm 8). We are invited to open our eyes and contemplate in the book of nature the majesty of the Lord our God. What else can one do in front of such a marvelous scene, if not to let oneself be enraptured and sing? The sky, the sea, the earth, the stars, the flowers, humans whom God made “little less than the angels”, speak to us of the very Author who created us.

The logo of the Feast, through some significant elements, recalls Mary, the prototype of caring, who embraces the world, the common home; the different faces of the young people of the five continents, that express the educational mission given to Johnny Bosco in the dream at nine years; the baobab, sacred tree, symbolizing life, powerful symbol of Africa that seems to unite heaven and earth, and which provides the people with nourishment and remedies for various ailments; the colors of the flag of Mozambique that represent the country with its riches, its history, and its commitment to peace.

In preparation for the event, the Mozambican Province proposes a four-week itinerary, with insights into the “taking care” of Mother Mazzarello in the 1st week; of Don Bosco in the 2nd week; of ecological education and spirituality in the 3rd week; and with the Lectio on the Beatitudes in the last week.

The webpage of the Festa Gratitude 2024, is in preparation, where you will be able to find the material for the preparatory journey divided into four weeks, the daily prayer, the indications, and the necessary information. In due course, you will find the link on the Institute’s website.

The Feast of Gratitude, an annual event that summons us to express gratitude to the Lord for every Sister, for the young people, and for those who share with us the educational mission, is a significant moment of family life for us, a sign of love and fidelity to the Institute. From the beginning of the preparation for this year’s Feast, we want to recognize the priceless gift that our dearest Mother, Sister Chiara Cazzuola, is for every Daughter of Mary Help of Christians and for the Educating Communities of the world.

Letter of the Vicar General – Feast of Gratitude 2024


  1. Viva Gesu, Mother Chiara happy birthday . Happy feast of St. Dominic Savio. I pray and ask our Blessed Mary Help of Christians to guide you in your discernment . Thank you for encouragment in your circular letter and prayers for each sister in the Institute . With life renewed in love , we journey to witness the love of God in our tender relationship with the young , educating community those whom we encounter daily, and with our sisters in our community. May our Blessed Mother Mary lead us fruitfulness and live docibilitas as to generate life from one generation to generation.

  2. Querida Madre Chiara! Nos hemos unido a todo el Instituto pidiendo al Señor “te bendiga y proteja, siga haciendo resplandecer su rostro sobre ti y te conceda paz”. Gracias por tu corazón maternal que nos abraza a todas, gracias por tu sencillez y profundidad. Que sigas siendo reflejo de la ternura de Dios y María, con Ella sigas generado vida y esperanza en nuestro Instituto. Un abrazo de todo corazón de tus hijas de MMO

  3. Amadísima Madre Chiara, desde Paraguay te enviamos un ramillete de oraciones y ofrecimientos en gratitud por tus hermosos mensajes de animación a través de las circulares que reflejan tu interioridad que genera vida, paz y armonía, tu esfuerzo constante en el gobierno y animación, buscando crear comunión en la valoración de la diversidad del Instituto, Gracias por ayudarnos a crecer en generatividad desde nuestra misión y servicio, a ser pequeñas constructoras de paz, superando de a poco las aristas de nuestra pobreza para irradiar mayor alegría en nuestro entorno. Muchas bendiciones y Felicidades!!!

  4. Querida Madre Chiara, gratidão pelo seu serviço-animação repleto de bondade, ternura e acolhida!
    Gratidão por caminhar conosco e nos impulsionar a gerar vida, resgatando o amor-primeiro, aprofundando nossa identidade salesiana no seguimento de Jesus Cristo!
    Seja sempre expressão do amor de Deus e da bondade de Madre Mazzarello em nosso Instituto! Fraterno abraço pleno de gratidão!

  5. GRAZIE MADRE CHIARA, con tutto il cuore! un grazie caldo come il sole dell’Africa ! La Madonna continui a sostenerti, a guidarti perché tu possa continuare a dare al nostro Istituto la sicurezza e gioia di casa. un abbraccio Sr. Angela Peci

  6. Querida Madre Chiara, te deseamos una hemosa fiesta y un dia de gran alegría por todos los GRACIAS que recibes hoy..y se prolongan cada dia, hemos orado por ti, por tu salud y para que el Espiritu Santo y Maria Santisima te acompañen cada dia. un abrazo Madre y GRACIAS DE CORAZON. Desde laMorenita deGuadalupe que te bendice.

  7. Thank you dearest Mother Chiara Cazzuala for your motherly love and care for our Institute. We deeply feel it in your words and expressions which reaches to us monthly through the circular letters. We feel the love you have for each and every Daughter of Mary Help of Christians. We thank you for your peaceful presence in the Institute! We pray that St. John Bosco and our Mother Mary Mazzarello may continue to guide and inspire you in helping us to respond to the needs of time in our educative missions. Feastive Greetings from Auxilium Kokrajhar School teachers, Hostel girls, college girls, staff and students and from the community Sisters Sr Kazhiia Rose Mary, Sr Kandulna Fulmani , Sr Guria Albina ,Sr Muchahary Chiary Sr Kamei Veronica , Sr Surin Helena Sr Minj Eliza Sr Adani Hriiyini Victoria Sr Ngouning Fiikanga Christina. Rest assured of our constant prayers and support!
    Happy world Gratitude day!!!
    Con tanto affetto e gratitudine.
    Sr. Vero Kamei and Sisters from Auxilium Convent Kokrajhar, Assam India ING

  8. Uno-me a grande alegria de todas nós, pelo grande dom da “Festa da Gratidão” neste ano de Graça de 2024, ser celebrada em Moçambique.
    Bem Haja Madre pelo testemunho que nos dá, com a sua força, coragem e com o seu jeito decidido e sem medo, o qual nos ajuda a viver sempre mais como Madre Mazzarello na aventura da santidade feira pão para os simples e para os pobres.
    Obrigada pelo seu testemunho.
    Um abraço e uma oração para si e para cada Irmã dessa Província

  9. Happy Feast dear Mother. Remembering you especially today thanking God for you and pray for your intentions. May the good Lord bless you abundantly and may our Blessed Mother Mary the Help of Christians be your constant guide. Happy World Gratitude Day dear Mother. Love you Mother and E viva Madre!!!

    With ❤ and 🙏
    Sr Cecilia Ruangmei


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