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Tag: Youth Pastoral

Meeting of Provincials of Southern Cone of America

Il 4 maggio 2023, a Cordoba, le Ispettrici FMA della CICSAL e gli Ispettori dell’area Cono Sud d’America si sono incontrati per condividere i temi della Pastorale Giovanile e della Scuola.

Meeting CINAB and Andean Region in Colombia

From 26 to 29 April 2023, the meeting of the Interprovincial Conference of the Bolivarian Nations (CINAB) and the Andean Region was held in Medellín, Colombia.

Vocation: Grace and Mission

Rome (Italy). The 60th World Day of Prayer for Vocations is celebrated on 30 April 2023, "an opportunity to recall the joy of encountering...

Raising awareness on violence against women

Rome (Italy). On 24 March 2023, Sr. Chanda Nsofwa and Sr. Lolia Annie Pfozhumai, from the Youth Ministry Sector of the Institute of the...

28th Meeting of Regional Representatives ESA

Santiago (Chile). From 14 to 19 March 2023, in Santiago de Chile at the Theologate of Los Cañas, La Florida, the 28th meeting of...

National meeting REALSA Mexico

Morelos (Mexico). From 10 to 12 March 2023, more than 130 students from the Mexican provinces Mother of the Church (MMO) and Our Lady...

Online formation for new YM Coordinators PG

Rome (Italy). In two online sessions, the formation meetings for the new Provincial Youth Ministry Coordinators of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary...

Online meeting of Provincial Coordinators OF YM – CIME

Rome (Italy). On 16 March 2023, the online meeting of the Provincial Youth Ministry Coordinators of the Middle East-Europe Interprovincial Conference (CIME) took place. The...

Network of young defenders of human rights and the common good

Rome (Italy). Three online meetings were held on 9, 16, and 23 February 2023 for the Heads of University Pastoral of the Salesian Institutions...

A dive into the Field of YM of the FMA Institute

Rome (Italy). On 26 February 2023, at Mother Ersilia Canta House of  Mary Mother of the Church Preprovince (RMC) in Rome, Sr. Runita Borja,...

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