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Tag: Councilor for the Missions

“The Councilor for the Missions has the responsibility of giving impetus to the missionary activity of the Institute among those who are being evangelized” (C. 130)

Missionary reading of the Acts of GC XXIII

Cuiabá (Brazil). A strong experience of study and exchange with Sr. Alaide Deretti, Councilor for the Missions, visiting from 27 April to 1 May...

Ongoing Formation for Missionaries

Rome (Italy). On May 7, 2018, the Ongoing Formation Course for a group of FMA missionaries ad gentes began in Rome, in the Generalate....

Initial Proclamation and Salesian Mission

Fatima (Portugal). This is the title of the Missionary Animation and Formation Seminar that is taking place in Fatima, Portugal. On March 4-11, under...

Initial Proclamation and Salesian Mission

Fatima (Portugal). The Study Seminar for all the SDB and FMA Province Coordinators and Delegates for Missionary Animation of Europe will take place on...

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