Rome (Italy). Towards COP 28 (Conference of the Parties) – the world summit on climate action to be held from November 30 to December 12, 2023 in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, and in which Pope Francis will participate, from December 1 to 3 – the Superior General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Mother Chiara Cazzuola, with her Council, addresses the Educating Communities with a Letter, proposing joining the Petition promoted by the “Laudato Si’ Movement.”

“We think that as Salesian Educating Communities we cannot remain indifferent to this event that can, and must, represent a decisive turning point in international policies to address the serious climate crisis in which we are all involved. Together, we could place a concrete sign of our commitment to put into practice the Deliberation of General Chapter XXIV”, state the Mother and the sisters of the Council.

The ‘Laudato Sì Movement’, which operates globally by bringing together a wide range of Catholic and non-Catholic organizations on a path of ecological conversion and mobilization in response to the ‘cry of the earth and the cry of the poor’, has launched a global petition addressed to the Sultan President of the United Arab Emirates to ensure that COP 28 is not, as emphasized by Pope Francis in his apostolic exhortation Laudate Deum, yet another conference where ‘proposals to ensure a rapid and effective transition to alternative and less polluting forms of energy’ (Laudate Deum, n. 49) are disregarded and do not produce the desired results.

We ask you, as caring and responsible people, to participate with your signature in the above petition.

Certain of your sensitivity regarding the issue that affects not only the present of humankind but also the future of generations, we thank you and invoke upon you and your families the blessing of God, Creator and Father of the common home that has been given to us and that we inhabit”.

Complete Letter


  1. Sono pienamente d’accordo con l’iniziativa che sollecita un impegno concreto e condiviso per ricercare cause, tutelare il complesso naturale terrestre e promuovere la vita dell’umanità intera a partire da coloro che maggiormente soffrono le conseguenze ambientali.

  2. Somos parte da criação e não donos da criação. Clamamos por justiça social e ambiental para que todos possam viver neste planeta. Precisamos fortalecer o movimento pela vida contra toda ganância e exploração do homem e da natureza.

  3. Mi unisco a tutta l’umanità che invoca nuovi progetti per prevenire le terribili conseguenze dei cambiamenti climatici. Sogno per le nuove generazioni una natura riconciliata con tutti. GRAZIE PER L’INIZIATIVA.

  4. Margherita Maderni – 29 novembre 2023
    Sono sicura che dalla COP 28 giungeranno nuovi messaggi e scelte concrete, per realizzare i progetti già in atto, che daranno vita nuova a tutte le creature. GRAZIE PER L’INIZIATIVA!


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