Kolkata (India). The 56 members of the Chapter stepped into five days of discernment, discussion and sharing after having spent months of intense study and preparation both at personal and community level on the theme ‘Communities that generate life in the heart of Contemporaneity’ accompanied by the Gospel text of the Wedding at Cana, ‘Do  whatever He tells you” (Jn2:5).

On 7th October, during the interaction with the Educating community on the topic ‘The challenges faced by the young people of today and the possible educational response’ there was a lively exchange of ideas after the speech and they surprised the Chapter members. Later hours of the day Mrs. Soma Chakraborty a passionate social worker who enlightened the members on ‘Unsafe Migration and Human Trafficking’.  She explained at length the causes and effects of migration, and how the children are trafficked due to poverty and lack of recognition at home.

At the end of the chapter Sr. Rose Ezarath delivered her final message in which she invited to live the synodal community. “Let our jars never be empty. Fill them to the full with our prayer and fidelity adhering to the invitation of Mary ‘Do whatever He tells you’. Finally, the members of the Chapter expressed their gratitude to the Blessed Virgin Mary for Her presence and guidance during the chapter by singing the Magnificat.


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