Rome (Italy). On 6 February 2024, the Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sister Chiara Cazzuola, during the Good Night communicated to Mary Help of Christians Community of the Generalate (RCG) the destination of the nine new FMA missionary.

The New Missionaries, coming from five Provinces and two continents, received the missionary destination at the end of a period of discernment and prayer, accompanied by the General Councilor for the Missions, Sister Ruth del Pilar Mora.

The destination of the New Missionaries:

1. Sister Goyary Hathorky (ING )

Preprovince Mary Helper Africa Etiopia – Sudan – Sud Sudan (AES)

2. Sister Jun Ho Sook (KOR) 

Immaculate Conception Province Uruguay (URU)

3. Sister Katapala Kimono Hortense (AFC)

Saint Mary D. Mazzarello Province Philippines (FIL)

4. Sister Kharkongor Ibansara (INS)

Mary Mother of the Church Preprovince (RMC)

5. Sister Lyngkhoi Idearland (INS)

Mary Mother of the Church Preprovince (RMC)

6. Sister Ngalula Ciama Clotilde (AFC)

Mary Mother of the Church Preprovince (RMC)

7. Sister Rebello Antonette Margarett (INB)

Saint Mary D. Mazzarello Province Philippines (FIL)

8. Sister Suchiang Embok (INS)

Mary Mother of the Church Preprovince (RMC)

9. Sister Tunga Tshilembe Noëlla (AFC)

Holy Family Province Lombardy (ILO)

“We must pray for them and for all the missionaries who are on mission, because the challenges are many,” said Mother Chiara after announcing the destinations. She encouraged all “to a shared missionary spirit, the fire that Mother Mazzarello recommends us to revive, a missionary spirit entrusted to us by Don Bosco, that of the da mihi animas cetera tolle. Woe if in our Institute this missionary spirit for which we have been founded is weakened; we have fulfilled this dream. Fulfilling it in the concreteness of life also means supporting with prayer and sacrifice, both those who go as missionaries ad gentes, and also all of us who continue to work in our daily mission”.

The new missionaries will leave in the coming months. In the meantime, they continue their formation in preparation for the mission ad gentes by attending some courses at the Pontifical Urbania University in Rome, the Pontifical Faculty of Education Sciences “Auxilium”, and in active fraternal participation of the community and pastoral experience in the FMA Generalate, accompanied by prayer, so that they may be heralds of peace and hope for all those they meet.


  1. Vi porto nella preghiera, care missionarie. Io FMA anziana, parto con Voi, con generoso ardore, col continuare il dono della vita unita alla vostra.

  2. Siete la giovinezza della Chiesa, del mondo, delle nostre Comunità. Solo un cuore innamorato di Gesù cancella le rughe del tempo e lascia fiorire un dono di Amore!

  3. Rendiamo grazie al Signore per il vostro SI generoso. Che l’Ausiliatrice sia sempre con voi. Buona missione! Preghiamo per voi.

  4. Gracias por la disponibilidad de cada una de la Hnas y de la Inspectoría que tan generosamente regala esta vocación al Instituto. Dios las bendiga con jóvenes que quieran seguir entregando al Señor y sus hermanos.

  5. Auguro a tutti e a ciascuna una bella sperienza nella nuova missione. Dio vi aspetta dove sei inviata. insieme

  6. È bello sapere che o slancio missionario delle origini è ancora vivo. Prego per le missionarie di vero ❤️

  7. Grazie Al Signore per la fiduccia Che ha per noi. Sono sicura Che la sua grazia ci accompagnera nel nostra missione. Grazie anche a la Madre Chiara e il concilio per la fiduccia Che ha nel noi. Che Dio custodici la nostra fede. Grazie

  8. Que le Seigneur bénisse nos sœurs Néo -missionnaires dans leur nouvelle mission. Que la Vierge Marie les accompagne et les protège toujours. Bonne mission et union de prière


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