Rome (Italy). The Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Mother Chiara Cazzuola, is in contact with the FMA of the communities of Kiev, Lviv, and Odessa who send news on the situation and their commitment to support the population.

From the Community of Lviv, the FMA communicate that they are well and that their house is open to welcome the many people fleeing to save themselves from attacks, especially mothers with small children. And when they are in the shelter, they pray the rosary with the people, “This is our weapon! We thank in prayer those who are giving their lives to defend us and we thank God who has given us another day of life.”

Also, the Communities of Kiev and of Odessa are in solidarity with the population, in a mutual exchange of concrete help and encouragement.

The FMA Communities of Poland, in collaboration with the Church and Catholic associations, offer welcome and support to the many people who cross the borders to put themselves in safety with their families.

From Slovakia, the Provincial, Sr. Monika Skalová, communicates the commitment of the FMA to welcome in their Houses and to be present on the borders with help for translations and concrete service, especially for children exhausted by long waits. With the Salesians of Don Bosco, they are united in initiatives to request material aid for the FMA and SDB of Ukraine. Furthermore, on 2 March 2022, in addition to the fasting requested by Pope Francis, they organized 24 hours of adoration, in which they ensure a chain of prayer for peace.

“We have prayed many times that this path would not be taken. And we don’t stop praying, on the contrary, we beg God more intensely. For this reason, I renew my invitation to all to make March 2, Ash Wednesday, a day of prayer and fasting for peace in Ukraine. A day to be close to the suffering of the Ukrainian people, to feel all as brothers and sisters, and implore from God the end of the war” (Pope Francis at the Angelus on Sunday 27 February).

Mother Chiara thanks for the closeness expressed so far and encourages all the Educating Communities to remain united in prayer and in the initiative of solidarity,

with the insistent and unanimous request for the gift of peace, for Ukraine and for all areas of the world in conflict, in which the FMA share the fears and sufferings of the people.

The Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians offers concrete support to the Ukrainian population in situations of danger and difficulty and counts on the generosity and solidarity of all. It is possible to send contributions and offerings, the documentation of which will be published, in the manner indicated on the Website of the FMA Istitute, designating the Ukrainian Emergency in the reason for payment.


  1. Il mio cuore è tanto triste per le atrocità che stanno vivendo i bambini,i giovani e tutte le persone dell’Ucraina.Sto pregando perché si fermi questa guerra……che procura solo morte e distribuzione. Regina della Pace copri con il tuo manto il popolo Ucraino. Tocca il ❤️ del presidente Russo perché si fermi.

  2. Vi accompagniamo con la nostra preghiera per tanta sofferenza lì in Ucraina e siamo unite con voi. Speriamo che cessi questa terribile guerra. Maria Regina della PACE ci venga incontro.

  3. Restiamo forti nella preghiera e chiediamo ogni istante lche la Pace trovi posto ne Cuore di ogni uomo per offrirla a mondo. Ci auguriamo di vincere fiduciose, con l’arma del Rosario. Regina della Pace, prega x noi. ❤️


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