Rome (Italy). The earthquake that struck Turkey in the early hours of 6 February 2023 while it was still night, with a magnitude of 7.8, also affected some areas of Syria, including Aleppo and the surrounding area, with the loss of numerous buildings.

The Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians reports the situation of the FMA communities present in Syria:

“In Damascus they have not suffered any physical or material damage, on the contrary, the Sisters of Damascus are bringing blankets, jackets, and clothes to the Community of Aleppo which has not suffered any damage. However, the earthquake was so strong that everyone was frightened, and many inhabitants gathered in the courtyard of the oratory. In that area of Aleppo many buildings collapsed. This is the news we have, which reassures us about the safety of the Sisters, even if the situation remains an emergency.”

The Provincial of Jesus Adolescent Province (MOR), Sr. Charlotte Greer, is in contact with the communities and brings their voice:

“Our sisters are fine in Syria and also in Lebanon, although they felt the shock. It was strongest in Aleppo, because it is further north. The Sisters are in the courtyard with the people because no one wants to go back home. The Animator of our hospital in Damascus immediately went to bring jackets and clothes because it is very cold. After the first quake of 7.8, there was another one, of 7.5.”

On the way back together with two missionaries, Sr. Carol Tahhan Fachakh, Animator of Mary Help of Christians Community of Damascus, sent this news to the Provincial. “The situation makes the heart cry; people are on the street, in the cold and rain. The latest statistics say a hundred dead and 45 injured, but there is still no news of many people.”

Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin, on behalf of Pope Francis, has sent a telegram respectively to the Apostolic Nuncio in Turkey, Archbishop Marek Solczyński, and to the Apostolic Nuncio in Syria, Card. Mario Zenari, in which the Pope assures his spiritual closeness, entrusting those who have died to the loving mercy of the Almighty, and those affected to His Providence, and offering prayer especially for emergency personnel involved in the ongoing relief efforts.

While awaiting other updates and as the Sisters present in this land try to stay close to the population by providing for basic needs, Mother and the Sisters of the Council, together with all the communities of the FMA Institute, assure their support in prayer, invoking the special protection of Mary Help of Christians for the people affected by this calamity.

The Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians offers concrete support to the population and counts on the generosity and solidarity of all. It is possible to send contributions and offerings, in the manner indicated on the Website of the FMA Istitute, designating the Earthquake in Turkey and Syria Emergency in the reason for payment.


  1. Acompanhamo-vos com a nossa oração e oferta ao Pai do Céu e a Nª Srª Auxiliadora.
    Em Casa de Repouso FMA é o que podemos fazer, e fazemo-lo de todo o coração de irmãs para irmãos.
    Casa S- José« FMA» Portugal

  2. Très triste la La terre est très vivante. Les prières et amitiés à vous tous qui sont entrain de souffrir. Que le Seigneur vous couvre des bénédictions, du courage.

  3. Que nos sœurs de Aleppo qui sont solidaires avec qui est éprouvé dans ces circonstances très tristes, se sentent réconfortées par nos humbles prières. Et que Dieu de miséricorde soutienne et console le peuple turc et de la Syrie déjà assez bien éprouvée. Que Marie Auxiliatrice les couvre de son manteau. Nous le croyons.

  4. We are so saddened by this terrible disaster. The pictures of so much devastation, the plight of the people and the rising number of deaths bring us to our knees. We are praying for the people of both countries and particularly remembering our sisters and the people of Aleppo who have already gone through so much.
    Kathleen Taylor fma

  5. In questa tristissima circostanza vogliamo farci partecipi della sofferenza che ha colpito il popolo turco e la Siria. Siamo vicine alle sorelle di Aleppo in modo particolare e a tutti coloro che cercano conforto nella presenza delle FMA. Affidiamo a Maria il popolo Siriano gia’ tanto provato da anni di guerra.
    Maria Ausiliatrice, prega per tutti noi!
    Le FMA del Sud Africa – Ispettoria Africa Meridionale AFM _ Johannesburg

  6. Desde Ecuador – Loja nos solidarizamos a tanto dolor de nuestros hermanos e imploramos de Dios fortaleza para nuestras hermanas y para toda la población. Que María Auxiliadora les cubra con su manto. Unidas en oración!!!

  7. Nos sentimos en comunión con todos los afectados por esta terrible catástrofe. Oramos mucho por los damnificados y por cuantos están prestando su ayuda en primera línea. Nos alegra que nuestras hermanas puedan estar al lado de los que que están sufriendo tanto. María Bendícelos a todos.

  8. Nos unimos al dolor de tantas personas que se vieron afectadas por este fenómeno y pedimos al Señor suscite muchas personas generosas y misericordiosas que salgan al encuentro de tantas necesidades y sufrimientos de nuestros hermanos.
    También damos gracias a Dios por nuestras hermanas que se encuentran bien y prestando ayuda. María Auxiliadora sea el consuelo de todos

  9. Para todas as pessoas atingidas pelo violento terremoto, a nossa oração, para que o Deus da Misericórdia possa fazer sentir consolação e acolha no céu as numerosas vitimas. Que Maria passe a frente e tome adianteira. Amen

  10. Em comunhão com todas as pessoas. Estou numa Casa de Irmãs Idosas e dentes.
    Em que posso ajudar? Posso falar com Deus, com a Mãe de Deus com os Anjos e com os Santos que estejam presentes no meu lugar através das pessoas próximas daí. Auxílios e o que for necessário vai acontecer. Maria vai na frente. Assim seja.


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