Roma ( Itália).  No dia 25 de abril de 2021 celebra-se a Festa da Gratidão Mundial na Casa Madre Ângela Vespa, sede da Pontifícia Faculdade de Ciências da Educação «Auxilium». Programa e link direto YouTube

Estar em rede é um dos recursos mais preciosos para expandir as energias criativas e colaborativas, expressando à Madre Yvonne Reungoat a gratidão das FMA, das Comunidades Educativas, dos leigos e jovens da Família Salesiana que compartilham a missão carismática salesiana.

#ObrigadaMadrepor tua vida, teu serviço incansável, teu amor ao Instituto das FMA …

#ObrigadaMadrepor tua delicadeza, tua simplicidade e por estar perto de cada Irmã…

#ObrigadaMadrepor teu entusiasmo e audácia com que, nestes treze anos, soubeste colocar-nos em rede para promover a cultura da vida e da esperança…





  1. Queremos extender un cariñoso abrazo a nuestra Madre Yvonne, desde Linares, en la Fiesta de la Gratitud.
    Gracias Madre

  2. Dear and loving Mother Yvonne Reungoat,
    We thank and praise God for the gift of you.
    May our good Lord bless you, our Blessed Mother keep you always under Her blue mantle and our beloved St. Joseph protect you and keep you in good health.
    Thank You so much for being our Mother General and leading us on the path of holiness. Remembering you with much love, prayer and gratitude.
    Thank you! Sending you a spiritual bouquet made with much love, prayers, sacrifices and mortifications.
    Your loving,
    Sr. Alphonsa K. and all the community members,
    Auxilium Convent Gobra,
    Kolkata Province (INC)

  3. Dear Mother Yvonne Reungoat,
    How can I give God thanks enough for the gift of you?
    Thank you so much for being our mother and guide. Thank you for all that you do for me, Thank you for writing very inspiring, at times challenging circular letters. Thank you for leading us to follow Jesus , love our Bless Mother and grow in sanctity. Thank you for all the hidden sacrifices you make for our growth. Thank you and love you so much.
    Praying for you daily.

    With much love, prayers and gratitude,
    Sr. Sumitra Ekka,
    Kolkata Province (INC)

  4. Dear Mother, your daughters from St.Francis Xavier Convent Broadway, Chennai are happy to greet you and express our sincere love and prayers from the bottom of our hearts.
    With love Sr.Majella the animator and the community sisters.

  5. Dearest Mother,
    On this auspicious day we,your sisters from Odisha, comes to wish you a very happy Feast Day. This is to tell you that during the past month we had been praying for you in a special way that the Lord may keep you safe and bless you with good health. Our hearts are filled with joy to shout aloud and say a very HAPPY FEAST Day to you DEAR MOTHER. And wishing Blessings happiness on your Feast Day today and always.
    Assuring you of our prayers.

    Yours loving daughters
    Sr. Annie, Sr. Anand,
    Sr. Rinki and Asha Kiran

  6. Dearest Mother Yvonne,
    I would like to thank you dear Mother Yvonne on behalf of all Anmol girls- from INB India. Thank You for your guidance and Prayers. We are happy to have you as our mother General and we appreciate you for who you are and for all you do as a loving and kind mother . We assure you of our prayers for your good health. May God Bless you.
    With lots of love and prayers,
    Kamini Sinha.
    INB India.

  7. Thank you Mother for your care and concern towards your daughters. May you always feel the presence of the Risen Lord. Praying for you.
    Thank you Mother from Auxilium Pali Hill, Bandra (INB)

  8. Très chère Mère Yvonne, pour une culture de la vie, nous nous engageons sur ce chemin du travail dans l’admiration et la valorisation de la terre et de ses créatures ! Notre MERCI se fait ENGAGEMENT et PRIÈRE de confiance en MARIE AUXILIATRICE !

  9. #thank you mother for your motherliness and simplicity. You are truly an unique gift of God given to us By Go
    Thank You Mother from Anmol Koparkhairane, Mumbai, India. (INB)d.

  10. Bonne fête! À l’eucharistie, la communauté, les jeunes en formation Aspirantes, la Communauté Éducative
    Ensemble pour une culture de la vie. Mère Yvonne, Merci de tout cœur. Nous restons unies même si la mer immense nous sépare!



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