Roma (Italia). El 7 de octubre de 2021, ha sido elegida Consejera para la Pastoral Juvenil del Instituto de las Hijas de María Auxiliadora sor Runita Galve Borja.

La Consejera para la Pastoral Juvenil anima la acción apostólica del Instituto en todas sus expresiones, en continua fidelidad al carisma y a las exigencias de la realidad juvenil (C 129).

Un caluroso aplauso ha acogido la proclamación oficial.


  1. Congratulations Sr. Runita. Thank you for your generous YES. Rest assured of our prayers, affection and support. Sr. Bing of Zambia

  2. Warmest felicitations dear Sr. Bing! Rest assured of our prayerful support. Auguri! Dio ti benedica sempre!

  3. Congratulations dear Sr Runita! May the Y.P ministry continue to flourish under your able leadership n innovative animation! Prayers and best wishes!

  4. Dear Sr Bing,
    So happy to hear of your re election.God be with you always.Our community rejoices in such a gift of your presence and service to our institute. Our love and prayers ,
    from the MOHTIW Pampanga.

  5. Congratulations and thank you for your generous YES, Sr. Runita. Accompanying you with my prayers for a fruitful ministry.


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