Conegliano (Treviso). Immaculata Community of Conegliano, of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of the Province of St. Mary D. Mazzarello (ITV), recounts an experience of hospitality in harmony with the Laudato Si’ objectives, in particular as a response to the cry of the poor. The Ukrainian emergency was, in fact, taken on by the sisters of Immaculate School who with love, opened their arms to those in need. These are the words of the Animator, Sr. Annalisa Rango:

“As soon as the state of emergency started to welcome those coming from Ukraine, we took action by putting ourselves in contact with the diocesan Caritas. We immediately involved children, teenagers, and young people in a collection of food and personal cleaning products. The entire community then gathered and decided to make some rooms available to welcome women with children.

Thus, on 21 March 2022, we received the first request, a mother with two girls. A few hours later, a second phone call from a girl who arrived alone in Italy. Both women immediately adapted to the environment and proved willing to collaborate with the Sisters and make themselves useful. The first few days were the most tiring. We tried to communicate through technological tools, looking for relationships with people who knew both languages. Little by little the girls integrated into the school, lovingly welcomed by the pupils. Even the families of the students immediately went out of their way to procure clothes and everything that could be useful.

At the beginning of May, two more couples arrived, mother and daughter. With some people the experience was constructive and positive, with others more tiring, due to lack of collaboration and less interest in school and language activities.

Italian Course

Not even a month after the reception, we activated an Italian course for women, promoted by Vides Veneto, which allowed them to reach basic skills and to find a first job placement for the two most enterprising women. The mother does the cleaning at a hotel in Conegliano with a fixed-term contract, while the young woman works with a job grant at our home for retired Sisters, Mother Clelia Genghini.  Life experience made them responsible and close to human efforts, so much so that they began to prepare food bags with Caritas volunteers.

Salesian Schools open to the world

On summer evenings, while the girls were playing in the courtyard, their mother would gladly stop with some of us to share her story, efforts, dreams. This allowed us to reflect and grasp what we take for granted, but should not. Our house is as big as the world!

The two girls have been placed in our nursery and primary schools since September, together with other minors, for whom requests are arriving. All the orders and levels of Salesian schools present in Conegliano have opened their arms to this situation. The teaching activities of the Italian language organized by Vides Veneto resumed in September.

Welcoming is always an opportunity to question oneself. Opening the doors of the house and getting involved is an experience of personal and community growth. The territorial network, especially the Diocesan Caritas, with which we immediately collaborated effectively, is a gift of Providence, for which we are grateful”.



  1. Carissime sorelle del Collegio di Conegliano! Siete “un dono della Provvidenza, di cui ringraziamo”. Siete state per me questo dono nel 2007-2008 quando ho vissuto un’anno da PVO nella vostra comunità accogliente e generosa del bene. Quest’anno avete aperto il cuore a tanti. Grazie!


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