Rome (Italy). On 14 November 2024, at 13:00 (Rome time), live streaming from the Generalate of Rome, there will be a celebratory moment for the official opening of the Triennium in preparation for the 150th anniversary of the first missionary expedition of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

On 14 November 1877, Sister Angela Vallese (23 years), Sister Giovanna Borgna (17 years), Sister Angela Cassulo (25 years), Sister Angela Denegri (17 years), Sister Teresa Gedda (24 years), Sister Teresina Mazzarello (17 years), together with Fr. James Costamagna and the group of Salesians of Don Bosco on their way to the third missionary expedition, inaugurate a new stage in the life of the nascent Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians: the missions. Accompanied by Mother Mazzarello, Mother Emilia Mosca, and Mother Enrichetta Sorbone, having received communion and the blessing from Don Bosco aboard the boat, they begin the journey to Uruguay.

To prepare the 150th anniversary of the first missionary departure, the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians will live a Triennium inspired by the slogan: “Now is the time to rekindle the fire” (cf. Mary D. Mazzarello, Letter 27) presented by Mother Chiara Cazzuola in Circular 1038 in which she indicated the aim:

“To celebrate with a grateful heart the missionary ardor of the Institute in order to rekindle in today’s contemporaneity, the prophetic impetus of our charism as a gift to the Church and to humanity.”

The Triennium will be officially opened by the Superior General of the FMA Institute, Mother Chiara Cazzuola. The culmination of the celebration will be a symbolic gesture and the word of Mother.

During the event, the official anthem will also be announced and the award ceremony of the winners of the Contest for the logo e and for the hymn.

To live in communion the day of 14 November, the communities are invited to take particular care of the Eucharistic celebration and, where possible, to use the texts of the Missal “For the Evangelization of Peoples”. On that day, many missionaries will also be remembered, especially those who first brought the Salesian Charism to different Countries of the world.

During the celebration of Vespers, the beginning of the FMA presence in the various nations will be remembered (cfr. Attachment) and we will pray that the Lord may “send workers into His harvest” and that we may continue to go and Proclaim the joy of the risen Christ (Cir. 1042).

As outlined in Cir. 1038, the preparation will continue with the following stages:

THE YEAR 2025-2026: “Pilgrims of Hope”. In the Church, we will live the grace of the Jubilee Year and, as an Institute, we will celebrate the triennial Verifications. The FMA will join the initiatives that will take place for the celebration of the first missionary expedition of the Salesians of Don Bosco.

THE YEAR 2026-2027: will be marked by the celebration of General Chapter XXV. On 14 November 2027, the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the first missionary departure of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians will be concluded with the commitment of a new missionary sending.

The Timetable of the initiatives highlights the active synergy among various Institutions and Sectors, in order to promote a process of deepening that reaches up to 2027. In fact, the Missions Sector, Formation Sector, Communication Sector, the Center for FMA Studies of the Pontifical Faculty of Education Science “Auxilium”, the Salesian Historical Institute, the Association of Salesian History Curators (ACSSA) offer a series of suggestions for animation and reflection in line with the theme.

Among these, on 10 October 2024, in the first of the Salesian Thursdays of this year, Sister Grazia Loparco presented “Catholic missions between the 19th and 20th centuries and the contribution of women.”

From the home page of the FMA website, by clicking on the logo of the 150th of the Missions, you can also access a section specially created to provide information and materials relative to initiatives for the triennial of preparation for the event.

The invitation and wish of Mother:  “Let us entrust ourselves to Mary, first missionary of the Gospel, with the certainty that she is Mother and Teacher, Helper who accompanies her daughters and sons still on pilgrimage towards the fullness of holiness. With a heart full of hope and gratitude, aware of the renewed call to ‘rekindle the fire’, I wish you all to listen to the Holy Spirit, our sure guide on the paths of evangelization” (Cir. 1042).

Link to the live streaming


  1. Belíssimo!!! Parabéns a toda equipe que preparou esse momento maravilhoso: fortalecendo nosso Espírito de Família!!!

  2. Grande agradecimento a Deus, a Mãe Auxiliadora, aos nossos Santos fundadores e as Primeiras Missionárias, a existência de nosso Instituto na Igreja, pela Salvação das juventudes e nossa caminhada em fraternidade e em busca da Santidade. Muito linda a Abertura deste triênio celebrativo. Obrigada Madre Chiara e toda Equipe do Âmbito da Comunicação! Deus seja louvado. Alegria e muita ESPERANÇA e VIDA, a cada FMA e as novas gerações. Ir. Maria de Nazaré/ Instituto Maria Auxiliadora, Alto Araguaia/BMM

  3. Gracias. Una bellísima celebración que motiva a revival el luego dentro para seguir dándolo todo en nuestra misión. Saludos desde San Luis, Petén, Guatemala

  4. Unidas em oração com todas as FMA no mundo por sua coragem e desprendimento! Viva Madre Mazzarello! Brasil

  5. Estou aqui, aguardando a transmissão de abertura. Já agradeci a deus na oração da manhã, por pertencer a esta família de mulheres tão corajosas.

  6. Damos gracias a Dios unidas a todo el Instituto por nuestras primeras hermanas que con tanto amor y valentía vinieron a nuestras tierras a sembrar el carisma salesiano!. Gracias Madre Chiara y a quienes nos ayudarán a vivir este trienio! Oramos unidas!
    Noviciado CIMAC Santa Ma. Mazzarello, Morelia Mèxico

  7. Da questa mia terra di Liguria, che ha visto l’ardore missionario di queste coraggiose ed intrepide sorelle in partenza per terre sconosciute e lontane, la memoria rievoca emozioni e lacrime, generosità e sacrificio, fiducia e speranza; mentre il mare, oggi, particolarmente azzurro e mosso dal vento, che a tratti descrive pennellate di bianco, sembra unirsi al nostro ricordo con la sua voce che sempre parla dell’INFINITO AMOR DI DIO!
    Non ci resta che “ringraziare”

  8. Davvero da quel piroscafo giovani donne hanno salutato l’Italia e hanno riscoperto una terra americana! Sulla scia spumeggiante del 1877 hanno solcato l’Oceano e hanno poi attraversato i cieli altre donne coraggiose,tutte donate all’Amore di Dio e ai fratelli e alle sorelle in nome di Don Bosco, ripensando agli ultimi momenti di maternità di Madre Mazzarello! In preghiera Sr Margherita Maderni.

  9. Nos unimos al Instituto en el inicio de esta gran celebración misionera, que alegría que el carisma haya podido llegar a América, gracias a las FMA valientes y dóciles a la acción del Espíritu.
    -Comunidad Neiva, Colombia.


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